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Service Committees


At BSPHI, we recognize that our members have diverse interests and passions, and we believe in creating opportunities that allow members to embody bigger leadership roles in areas that resonate with them the most. Our service Committees are specialized teams that focus on specific areas of service, advocacy, and community engagement. At the moment our three main committees include: research, health education and follow u


Research Committee

This committee collects vitals and health notes from our clinics, meticulously analyzes this information, and conducts research to identify common patterns and trends. The BPshi Research Committee serves as a catalyst for evidence-based healthcare initiatives. Their work not only helps us understand the unique healthcare needs of our communities by analyzing anonymized date but it also empowers us to take proactive steps to prevent health issues and promote overall well-being


Health Education Committee

Our health education committee bridges the gap between health information and accessibility. Our goal is to create information that is otherwise difficult to understand in a language that our community can interpret easily, whether this is through videos or health pamphlets in Punjabi. The heald education committee works tirelessly to ensure our community engages with our content in a way that is empowering. 


Follow Up Committee

Our follow-up committee plays a crucial role in ensuring that our commitment to health equity goes beyond the clinic walls. This dedicated team diligently tracks and follows up with patients to confirm they have received the necessary care and adhered to what the clinic doctor has recommended for them. If this is not the case and they have not received the care they need, our time will help organize a plan to help them acquire it, nurturing continuity of care. 

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